
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ILP Laser - Red Blood Vessel Removal

ILP lasers are claim to be better at removing red blood vessels while Fraxel lasers tend to be better at removing scars, fine lines and tattoos. Many people are claiming that ILP causes permanent damage to the skin. There are some forums where people post comments, I recommend reading the complaints people have before investing in this product. "Photofacial is just another name for the use of an IPL or intense pulsed light source.Intense pulsed light sources are used throughout the country for the treatment of facial redness, as well as brown spots and unwanted hair, but most commonly for redness. The effectiveness of an IPL treatment is determined by the machine used and the experience of the user of that machine. Note, however, that IPL works...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trichloroacetic Acid - Where to get it an how to use it

Trichloroacetic Acid is the active ingredient in the Blue Peel. It is very powerful and must be used with caution. The lady in this video looks pretty bad. She has clear improvements after getting the acid treatment.  You can buy this acid online. But remember - BE CAREFUL!!! ...

Obagi Blue Peel - for acne scaring

This is a face mask a lot of high grade spas are offering to clients. A lot of these products you can buy online, instead of spending hundreds of dollars at a spa. Watch this Blue Peel Video for instructions. http://www.odiscountstore.com/ ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Favorite Skin Care Blog

Check out this blog. Well organized, easy to use! It is well designed, easy to use and factual. TotalBeauty.co...

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